Dev Wallet Scanner – API Docs

This API provides detailed insights into any developer wallet address. It delivers comprehensive data, including the developer's token creation history, performance metrics such as survivability, profit distribution, and developer sell probability, along with aggregated insights on the quality of tokens created by the developer.

Updated approximately every 20 minutes, this near real-time data empowers you to make informed trading decisions. Use it to enhance your entry strategies by filtering out underperforming developers or optimize trade management by setting dynamic take-profit levels based on the developer's historical performance.

The data starts in January 2025.

Please note that the data structure is subject to change as the API is still a work in progress. This documentation will be updated accordingly.

1. Endpoints


This endpoint retrieves information about a specific developer wallet address. The response is a JSON object containing detailed insights into the developer's token creation history and performance metrics.


Parameter Type Required Description
address String Yes The developer's wallet address to query.



2. JSON Data Structure

The API returns a JSON with the following schema:

    "success" : Boolean,
    "message" : String (optional error message),
    "devInfo" : { ...see below... }
Unless otherwise specified, all amounts and prices returned by the API are expressed in SOL.

Base output fields

Field Type Nullable Description
success Boolean No Indicates the operation success status.
message String Yes Optional error message set only if success is false.
devInfo Object Yes (if success false) Object of type DeveloperInformation


Field Type Nullable Description
devAddress String No Developer's wallet address.
percentBonded Float No Percent of developer's tokens that migrated to Raydium.
firstActivity String No An ISO datetime for the first token created by this dev.
percentBundled Float No Percent of developer's tokens that included bundled buys in the first 10 transactions.
avgGrowth Number No A score between 0 and 1 which indicates how much tokens created by this dev grow on average. This score is not a percentage.
devScore Object No A score between 0 and 1 which indicates how long tokens created by this dev stay alive after launch. This score does not imply growth. Tokens which show activity for longer after launch have higher scores, irrespective of their actual growth.
totalCreated Integer No Number of tokens created by this dev.
tokens Array of TokenInformation No An array containing information about tokens created by this dev. This array is limited to the 12 most recent tokens.
survivalProbability Object No Average survival probability for tokens created at each time interval. This data is used to compute the devScore.
devSellProbability Object No Average dev sell probability for tokens created at each time interval.
bestToken Object No The best performing token created by this dev (it might not be in the tokens as that is limited to 12 results).
profitDistribution Object No Distribution of max profit (growth compared to initial market cap) for tokens created by this dev.

Token Information

Field Type Nullable Description
tokenAddress String No Unique address of the token.
ath Number No All-time high value of the token.
metadata Object No Contains name, symbol, description, image URL, etc.